Attention Athletes: ProFitX Gives You the Leverage in Maximizing Contract Value

Nick Crain | 11/30/22

  ProFitX is on a mission to change the way NBA contracts are analyzed and decided upon. In the ProFitX model, athletes are paid not only for what they’ve done leading up to the deal, but also what they’re projected to do moving forward. When we think about contracts today, there’s a variety of factors that come into play when considering how much an athlete is worth annually, and the length of the contract being negotiated. For athletes, gaining the leverage in these scenarios to maximize contract value is especially key. As such, having the tools and ability to validate performance value in order to prove overall value is especially important when signing a new contract. Here are just a few reasons athletes should be using the ProFitX Athledex when negotiating a new deal, and throughout their current contract.


Uncover Tendencies, Strengths, and Weaknesses

As an athlete, it’s important to understand your tendencies as a player. Especially as the style of play across the league changes through time, an athlete’s tendencies should adapt as well. The Athledex provides a time-series model that displays a player’s 19 individual tendency grades for each game. Our model calculates on a rolling average to show an athlete’s rating amongst the rest of the league within specific, and overall, areas of development throughout their career. Furthermore, it’s actually fairly complex to understand how an athlete performs in each facet of the game with just raw statistics. This is where our time-series model that displays an athlete’s 12 individual composite grades for each game comes into play. The AI model uses the information to calculate on a rolling average to show an athlete’s rating trajectory within the overall and individual attribute areas of development throughout their career. From there, athletes get a breakdown of dynamic offensive and defensive player role composite grades for each game and grades with the rest of the league. Players  will also have the ability to navigate in a time-series chart through the athlete’s entire career, including playoffs, and will be able to see if those roles change with different teams or their current team.


Benchmark Against Similar Players Across the League 

Again, simply using raw statistics to compare one athlete to another is much too surface level. There’s different circumstances, roles, fits and many more factors that should be considered. As such, having a standardized model that values every player across the league in the same way can help give apples-to-apples comparisons of value. Especially when negotiating deals, having a few similar players to benchmark against to prove value can be powerful. ProFitX has the ability to show real-time performance value over each athlete’s entire career.


Understand Synergy with Players on Current Team

Throughout the season, players are looking for ways to perform at a higher level. A huge part of in-season performance comes down to fit and who is on the floor together. ProFitX provides insight into combinations on each team that have the components to play well together. As such, this information can be leveraged to understand which players each athlete plays best with, and potentially which players they need to build more on-court chemistry with. The model shows 2 and 3 player Team Combinations best suited to play together in a lineup and complement each other’s respective skillsets. Playing well with current teammates only drives the athlete’s value moving forward when considering singing with a new team.


Determine Which Teams Could Maximize Value in Free Agency

During free agency, athletes get the unique opportunity to choose which team they’d like to play for. With that in mind, it’s not always as simple as choosing which franchise is offering the most money. For the longevity of the athlete’s career and to ensure future contracts are large, it’s key to know which teams might be a good fit. The ProFitX team fit model takes each athlete’s performance attributes and combines that with roster composition across the league to predict where each player would fit best. Choosing the right team ensures a long career and additional contracts. Especially when signing a “prove it” deal, choosing the right situation could change an athlete’s career forever. Furthermore, on each potential team an athlete is considering signing with, ProFitX has a model and search engine widget that produces the most ideal 2 and 3 player combinations across the NBA.


Gain Insight into Areas to Improve to Maximize Value

When an athlete is working on an extension with their current team, it’s important to be able to quantify development during their time with the club. Being part of a system and growing within the franchise is something many front offices admire. It’s also valuable as an athlete to uncover areas of improvement that could be worked on in the near term leading up to a new deal. ProFitX’s Proxital model shows the top athlete development areas and projected improvement areas. This  dynamic AI model displays projections of the top eight athlete tendency development areas that are underdeveloped and projected to improve upon. This includes a projected high and low percent growth range of improvement for the next two seasons. This model includes the previous two seasons and projected two seasons within the software’s top eight athlete development areas of growth and shows the percentage in each skill-set where the athlete should consider improving each season. The particular model is extremely unique as it does two separate analyses for real-time and projections – as well as displaying improvements and biggest growth areas.


Validate Injury Risk and Durability

Injures are an unfortunately reality in sports, so durability and injury history are huge components of contract negotiations. ProFitX provides an AI model that displays an athlete’s current season injury history, injury progression, injury risk projections, injury time, and real-time financial impact each injury has had throughout the athlete’s career. Furthermore, during the season, players can leverage the load management tool that displays an athlete’s current season’s schedule for the next seven games and projects when they should be rested, their ideal minutes played, and whether or not they should be given a minutes restriction based off of workload, injury history, and the upcoming schedule.


Understand the Impact of Age on Performance Value in Real Time 

Age is a key factor in contract length and value. There’s certainly a sweet spot as it relates to an athlete’s age, when they reach their peak, and when their production is expected to decline. This is why it’s so important to leverage our dynamic AI model that displays and identifies the past 5 years of financial and performance trajectory which include team contracts, real-time contract values, performance growth year by year, free agency career value tier, and projection ranges for Fair Market Value and Performance Projections for next two seasons of the athlete’s career. This model will display five seasons of a team and real-time contract value for an athlete and show projections for the next two seasons with suggested real-time contract value and a high and low range.


Prove the Individual Impact on Team Performance

Even if an athlete stuffs the stat sheet, it’s sometimes complicated to quantify the impact on the team winning. The Athledex contains a model that displays the performance impact an athlete has on their team for each game throughout their entire career. Within this time series model is a feature that also displays the athlete’s performance contribution to the team when they are on and off the court. Simply put, this is the easiest way for an athlete to prove to a team that they ultimately impact the only thing that matters, which is winning.


Project Future Statistics

Everyone has access to historical stats, but what’s hard to pin down is the projection of future performance. ProFitX has a validated model that provides the high and low performance projections for the athlete configured with opponents’ performance for the next 10 games and the ability to manually input the number of minutes played to see products based on efficiency. As such, it’s easy to gain insight into the future value an athlete could provide to a team based on matchups and roles.


Break Out Which Facets of the Game are Most Impactful on Value

Every contract has a dollar figure attached to it, but what facets of an athlete’s game are most important and valuable to a team? The Financial Impact model displays weekly, monthly, and yearly real-time contract value and breaks down the financial value for each performance skill set throughout an athlete’s career. This gives a breakdown of what pieces of the game result in more money in the athlete’s pocket.